Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just some quick pix of the Northern Store in Tuktoyaktuk. It’s similar to the one in Cambridge Bay, smaller but nicer though. Chips were 2 dollars more than Inuvik and licorice was double the Inuvik price – perhaps a message there on social engineering? Strangely enough gas was $1.75 per litre which is cheaper than the Esso here at $1.77 – clearly the result of a fuel subsidy, or a gas war, ha ha. Funny to think as $1.75 as cheap gas.

Oh, and yes we did indeed end up going up the highest hydrolaccolith in Canada and the second highest in the world, Ibyuk Pingo, in the Pingo National landmark. Research suggests that it is between 1000 and 1300 years old and is still growing at a rate of 2 cms per annum but only from the top half and up, the bottom being static. It’s 49m high and 300 metres across, officially. I was getting heights around 160 to 209 feet from the GPS which is using air pressure, and probably needs calibrating since its records Inuvik at a negative elevation.

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