Friday, November 14, 2014

Summer shots

Another post from June – better late than never. Contained herein are some shots of the new dish at the Inuvik Satellite Station Facility. This is the one that was being built in the spring time and is owned by the government of Canada ergo the taxpayers. The facility is mapped out for up to 18 other antenna / dishes and the site was purchased from the town by the Gov of Canada just before territorial devolution took place – all told about 400 acres. Some sites will be right near the road at the intersection of the Dempster and the airport.
This first series shows the dish on the ground, where it was constructed and the arrival of the pier on which it is to be installed.
The one pic of the I-beam affixed to pilings which looks to be purposefully curved is actually a straight beam that has been deformed by melting permafrost heaving the pilings around. Consequently this setup was never used as a building footing for the German dish.